A Weekend With Nonnie

Kaelyn and I are sitting here… just the two of us… quite lonely.  We had such a glorious weekend hanging with Nonnie and we also had Daddy home for four days!  Nonnie arrived, carrying gifts as far as the eye can see, which is her usual way.  She likes to spoil!!  Check out the new shades she scored for my little diva…

Saturday was pool day.  Kaelyn did her usual climbing out of the pool game but Mommy wised up and brought some toys to distract which helped.  She also loved swimming with Dada!  We of course went shopping and ended the day at Chilis where Kaelyn had her first ever kids meal.  What a big girl!  Is it wrong to be proud of your girl eating greasy restaurant food?

We may let the house go just a little when Nonnie is here!! ... although Daddy does look hard at work trying to tidy up!!

Nonnie found this hat which is great... it has elastic so we don't have to worry about the darn strap... Kaelyn wore it all day at the beach and didn't try to take it off once!

Sunday we got to use our “Super-Brella!”  We have been having serious issues finding adequate beach shade that won’t fly away and poke someone’s eye out.  Finally… we conquered! 

Does Super-Brella need a model??

We were so sad to see Nonnie go yesterday… especially Kaelyn!  She had some real bonding moments with her Nonnie this weekend.  The good news is that we will see her in a little over a month for a fun-filled Fourth of July in Tampa! 


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