On the Run

There’s no stopping her now!  I know I have said it before… but I will say it again.  Kaelyn walking is the cutest.  thing.  ever!!  We were at a graduation party last night (congrats Kayla and Lexi!!)  and Kaelyn was just strolling the sidewalk back and forth and even the group of tough-looking men grilling out couldn’t help but watch and smile at her cruising along.  She still isn’t sure what to do with her hands… so she either has them out in the air for balance or on her belly…. like she’s got a baby in there. 

Saturday we went to the park bright and early.  Who are we kidding… Braxton and I are laying in bed at 6:30 watching the monitor waiting for K to wake.  It’s pretty pathetic.  It’s nice to get there that early though… no crazy children trying to knock my babe over and no scorching sun.    Kaelyn got to show off her skills of walking outside to daddy.  He was impressed!  She tried to chase the squirrels and birds which is a favorite pastime.  Then we headed to the pool… all before noon!  The pool has become a challenge.  Her favorite thing to do now is climb out of the pool and walk the deck.  This is not mammas favorite activity... dangerous!

Sunday we were at the beach by 10:30… again, the best time to go!  Not super crowded and not scorching hot.  This early bird thing has its benefits!  Kaelyn insists on eating a hundred snacks while we are there… every time.  And if you have ever tried to feed a toddler at the beach… it’s basically a sand snack.  Oh well, you can’t win all the battles.  The water was too chilly for K and I, but adventurous daddy dived right in.  We had fun watching him disappear underwater and waiting for him to come back up.  Kaelyn is such a people watcher… and our beach is the best because it’s dog friendly.  So we get to watch all the bubbas lovin’ life!  We haven’t brought Ziggy with Kaelyn just yet.  He is like another toddler to take care of… but it is in our future! 

We are anxiously awaiting this weekend… Nonnie is coming and we are oh so excited!! 

I threw together this little ditty because I felt it was only fair baby number two had a framed ultrasound picture as baby number one did!  But Kaelyn's picture is packed away in a safe spot so I figured I would try to come up with something that would be fun to have out even after they have reached toddlerhood.  And can I just say… I may be developing an obsession with Winnie the Pooh.  I always thought he was kinda corny… but man does that bear and his friends have some heart-hugging quotes. 

Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart -Winnie the Pooh


Once baby arrives... I would like a picture of the two of them in this spot.  But this is pretty darn cute for the time being.  

Our November baby 

I finally was able to put the last picture in her frames I was given at a school baby shower.  I can't believe my little girl is growing so fast!  It's bittersweet... I adore her at this age and await the future and all it holds, but wish I could just slow time down!  I remember looking at these frames as she was just a tiny little babe, unable to even hold her head up, and wondering about the pics that would fill them.  And here they are... filled.  My boo isn't a baby anymore!!

1st Photo, 1st Birthday, 1st Steps


  1. I love your new picture of Braxton and baby girl looking at the ocean, it is beautiful! Also your Winnie the Pooh arrangement is precious!


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