The Best Gift

My husband is the best!  He sure knows how to make a Mommy feel special!  Now some, if not all, may laugh at his choice of gift.  But those of you who know me well, especially during my pregnancy months, will totally get it!

Yes, that is a ridiculous amount of candy there.  And also a gift card to Dairy Queen.   Need I say more??  I have been craving a darn blizzard for I don’t know how long.  I guess hubby was sick of listening to me talk about it.  We went to a yummy brunch at my fav restaurant Brio on Saturday in an attempt to avoid the crowds (success!) .  And then did some shopping… my kind of day!

Sunday Mommy slept in and Dad took care of sweetness.  We got Dunkin Donuts for breakfast (do I sound fat yet??) and spent the rest of the day at the beach.  It was beautiful.  And Brax even made dinner… Wow!

I couldn’t stop thinking this weekend how amazing it is to be her mommy.  She absolutely amazes me every single day and sometimes I look at her and just want to cry at how lucky I am.  I can’t even remember what life was like before her and now not only do I get to spend the rest of my life with her and her daddy, we are adding another little person to our family.  As if I didn’t feel blessed enough already!  Every day I thank God for her, she is the best gift!!


  1. I love that baby, too!!! I'm the luckiest auntie ever!

  2. You are a wonderful Mommy and God has given you a wonderful family!


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