Close Encounters

It seems to never stop raining around these parts!  And we are going crazy!  There is only so much you can do inside.  We stocked up on some art supplies at Target the other day and we have officially had our first color (she only ate the crayons once!), first play dough sculpture (she didn’t try to eat this once!), and today we will paint (with water of course!).  

This morning we saw a sliver of sunshine so we jumped on it.  Kaelyn and I headed to the park and even remembered our bread for the ducks!  We will not bring bread to the ducks anymore.  Holy moly are they some brave ducks.  I swear they would have eaten my leg if I didn’t chuck the whole two pieces of bread I brought at them and ran the other direction.  From now on we will watch the other duck feeders from afar and enjoy as we have in the past.  Even the squirrels are crazy there.  Kaelyn almost brought one home as a pet… they too almost attacked my leg.  I could not believe how close they would come to us… it’s quite obvious they are fed my humans on a regular basis. 

And now for the hundred pictures I took… my little girl is just too cute to not take a hundred pictures!! 

You know it's going to be a good time when you can rock out to Kris Kross!

She continued closer to the squirrel and he wouldn't budge... mamma had to grab the babe before she lost a finger.

Defying gravity

Break dancing... she really enjoyed the Kris Kross!

Back and forth, back and forth, across the bridge

And a few randoms from the week...

She LOVED this chair!  Our friend Brett is having a little girl in September (can't wait!!) and she took all the baby toys out to play with and would not leave the chair!!  
Guess what Mommy will be shopping for this weekend?!?

Her morning routine... baking up some cheerios, raisins, and banana chips.  Yum!

We CANNOT wait until tomorrow when Grandma, Aunt Cassie, Uncle Jack, Nev, and Grace come to visit for a whole week!!  


  1. I love these pictures.
    She is so cute and adventuresome.


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